Meditation On The Passion: But He Going Out Of The Gate, Another Maid Saw Him, & Said To Them, Which Were There: And This Man Was With Jesus Of Nazareth

MANFREDI, Bartolomeo 
The Denial of St Peter 

But he going out of the gate, another Maid saw him, & said to them, which were there: And this man was with Jesus of Nazareth, and another seeing him said: and thou art of them. But Peter said, O man, I am nat, and he denied with an oath, for I do not know the man.

Consider first how Peter burning in desire to see our Lord, who stood bound before the Councell in an inward and higher Chamber, did not go out of the house, but out of the lower room, & began to inquire something of Christ: that thous may devise and try all ways and means to enjoy thy Lord in thy meditations, & to obtain him through the works of virtue.

Consider secondly, that where the devil doth once get the victory, he doth at his return rage more cruelly, and wound more deeply. First there came one maid, and spake unto Peter somewhat modestly: Then some other servants came to that Maid, and at the last a great number came together and did as it were oppressed him with their words: wherefore Peter at the first did only deny: Secondly he added an oath: Thirdly he began to sure and blaspheme. Take thou heed therefore that the Devil never overcome thee; for he being once subdued by the death of Christ, is driven away by resistance only, according to that saying Resist the Devil, and he will fly from you.

Consider thirdly the fall of Peter: First he presumed of himself: Secondly he slept in the Garden: Thirdly he left his fellow Disciples: Fourthly he thrust himself into company amongst wicked men: Fifthly he denied. Therefore the beginning of his fall was presumption, and the neglecting of the service of God.

Fr. Francis Costerus S.J. 1616


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