"Anonymous Of The Cross" Is FAKE? And Fra' Cristoforo Is An Agent Provocateur Spreading Disinformation?

Funny how some bloggers claim Fra' Cristoforo is a agent provocateur of disinformation because he says that Burke & the Dubia Cardinals will never correct Pope Francis - but these same bloggers will never call Skojec Dollinger & Hickson LIARS for spreading rumors that the hidden Third Secret contains words of a Bad Mass and Bad Council! LOL!

The crime committed by Hickson Dollinger & Skojec is far greater and far more scandalous than  Fra' Cristoforo pointing out the fact the Burke and his Dubia Cardinals are weak men.


Here's  Rorate Caeli complaint:

Important: Speaking of Fake News, beware of the following website Now, this is no April fool's, but quite serious. Rorate has learned from several different sources in Italy that the recent page "Anonimi della Croce", led by a "friar" named "Fra' Cristoforo" is merely a disinformation website by an agent provocateur, whose sole purpose is to provoke real outbursts of outrage or scandal from pious Catholics out of its fake news and fake rumors. Though Rorate has never used it as a source, ever, we know people who have and would just like to warn them. Source

Remember, Rorate Caeli blog at one time foolishly worshiped PUTIN. Now they worship TRUMP!


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