Space Fantasy #22: Elon Musk Plans To Colonize Mars To Escape A.I. Apocalypse!

Elon Musk plans to colonize Mars To escape A.I. Apocalypse!

What? No kidding.

Musk is seriously contemplating moving to Mars to escape those A.I. demons.

"With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out." Musk

Hassabis replied that, in fact, he was working on the most important project in the world: developing artificial super-intelligence. Musk countered that this was one reason we needed to colonize Mars—so that we’ll have a bolt-hole if A.I. goes rogue and turns on humanity. Amused, Hassabis said that A.I. would simply follow humans to Mars. Source

To some extent Musk does have a point.  If you consider that A.I. are machines possessed by demons and since Demons are imprisoned either in the upper atmosphere or in the pit of Hell then it would make sense that if one were to move to Mars then one would not be a target for demonic attack. Simply because the Demons are imprisoned in the upper Atmosphere, they are not able to venture to Mars or another other part of the universe.

So Musk would never be harassed by demons on Mars like he is harassed here below on earth.

And maybe that's what this is all about - Musk being godless doesn't know how to combat his demons. So the next best thing would be to avoid demons as much as possible and that means moving far away from demonic influence.

For godless men like Musk - its much easier to live on Mars than to obey God and His commandments which entails remaining in a state of grace in union with the Catholic Church and Her Sacraments.

Some godless men will go to such great lengths to avoid God.


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