Trump Tempted By The Devil To Run Headlong Into Mischief.....

haste  (hāst) n. 1. Rapidity of action or motion: the haste with which she climbed the stairs. 2. Rash or headlong action; precipitateness
Trump hurried activity will be his downfall
Trump’s First Weeks Leave Washington— and the White House Staff—Panting 
Lesson from the Passion of Our Lord lost on Trump and his supporters

First the scene:
Then they brought Jesus from Caiphas into the Palace, and it was morning, and they entered not into the Palace, because they would not be defiled, but that they might eat the Pasch.  
Now the consideration on how the Devil tempts men in making hast to do evil or mischief:
That they made hast betimes in the morning to procure the death of our Lord, least perhaps if it should be deferred, it might be hindered through the favor of the people: for it is the subtlety of the devil, to carry men headlong into mischief, least by delay they might alter their purpose. Be that on the contrary part quick to good (for the grace of holy Ghost admitteth no delay) and show unto evil, for the feet of wicked men are swift to do mischief. Take heed therefore that thou ommittest no occasion to do good, and in temptation resist, expecting, that the Devil being driven away, Christ may come and help. Taken From The 19. Meditation of the first accusation of Our Lord before Pilate
Who is tempting Trump to run headlong into this fast and furious pace?

The Devil.


Trump is making haste to put into effect his policies out of fear that these same policies will be blocked by others if not implemented in haste, and the Devil prompts Trump to make haste, because the Devil does not want Trump to delay and alter his purpose.

Trump is acting like the JEWS who hurried to take Jesus to Pilate to be condemned and put to death.

This fast and hurried pace will lead to mischief.


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