Apostate Duterte To Catholics: JOIN ME IN HELL!

I will destroy the Church and the present status of so many priests and what they are doing. You priests, bishops, you condemn me and suggest I withdraw, but then I will start to open my mouth. There are so many secrets that we kept as children. Do not force (me to speak) because this religion is not so sacred. Duterte
Apostate Duterte now tells 74 million Catholics to join him in hell:

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is hoping his nation’s Catholics go to hell. He plans to be there waiting. The controversial and often-outrageous leader was responding to Catholic leaders who blasted Duterte’s bloody war on drugs in the majority-Catholic country, Reuters reported. “You Catholics, if you believe in your priests and bishops, you stay with them,” Duterte said Sunday. “If you want to go to heaven, then go to them. Now, if you want to end drugs ... I will go to hell, come join me.” FOX


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