Trads Freak Out & Have Melt Down Over Cat Hat Renamed Pussy Hat By Pro-Abortion Feminists

Definition of pussycat
1 : cat

Hey morons! just because someone says something doesn't make it so!

For example:
Say the Shahada. If you're absolutely sure you want to become a Muslim and fully submit to the will of God, all you need to do is recite the Shahada, a short oral declaration of faith. Be aware that once you have said the Shahada you are committed to following Islam for life. The words of the Shahada are "La ilaha illallah, Muhammadun rasulullah " This translates to "I testify that there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammad is God's messenger (prophet)." By saying the Shahada, you become a Muslim. Source 
Really? Do you Trads believe that once the Shahada is said that you automatically become a Muslim for life? Really?

And just because some pro-abortion feminists knit a cat hat and call it a pussy hat that somehow the hat now represents a vagina?



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