Old Armenian Woman With A Gold Tooth Travels Hours To See Pope Francis & I'm Forced To Drive One Hour To Latin Mass Because Of Pope Francis!

And as I was walking towards the car, an old lady who was there signalled me to come over. How old was she? Eighty? Not old… She seemed to be over eighty. I felt inclined to go over to her, because she was behind a barrier. She was a humble lady, very humble. She greeted me lovingly. She had a golden tooth, like the ones used in times gone by. And she said this to me: “I am Armenian, but I live in Georgia. I’ve come from Georgia!” She had travelled eight hours, or six hours by bus, to meet the Pope. Then, a day later, when we were going to a location which I can’t remember, about a two hours journey, I saw her there! I said to her: “Dear lady, you have come from Georgia… so many hours of travelling, and then another two hours a day later to find me…”. “Ah yes, it’s faith!”, she said. You have spoken to us about being firm in the faith. To be strong in the faith is the witness given by this lady. She believed that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had left us Peter on this earth and she wanted to see Peter. Zenit Read More>>>>


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