And He Said To His Disciples: Sit You Here, Till I Go Yonder And Pray

The Last Supper 
And he said to his disciples: Sit you here, till I go yonder and pray.

And he saith to his disciples: Sit you here, while I pray. Mk.xiv

And when he was come to the place, he said to them: Pray, lest ye enter into temptation.Lx.xxii

Consider, that if thou wilt not enter into temptation, that is, if thou wilt not be overcome and swallowed up by temptation, thou must sit down and pray; but if we sit when we enjoy quietness of mind, and that inward peace which true humility bringeth, (for he which sitteth humbleth his body that he may rest in quiet) we must pray, because by prayer victory is obtained against the Devil, and we must pray as long as Christ prayeth for us.

Here again consider thine own sloth and sluggishness, which art not touched in conscience when as Christ is careful for thee how thou mayest be saved, and sitting at the right hand of his Father prayeth still for thee.

To enter into temptation is, to be occupied and drowned in wickedness both inwardly& outwardly; for he which is overcome by temptation hath neither inward peace, nor can enjoy any true outward comfort, where every thing oppresseth the mind, but nothing can satisfy it; whereupon also in this world entereth into temptation, shall in the next enter into Hell, even as he which in this world is in God's favour shall afterwards enter into the joy of God.

Fr. Francis Costerus S.J. 1616


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