Dave says:
Some will say, "he should have disclosed it earlier." Why? Would you disclose your past sins publicly to the world when the Lord has already forgotten them? Dave
Really Dave? Really? How many members of the Clergy have you attacked for what you determine to be their perceived past life of sin......morons! announces first publication by Michael Voris: Militant: Resurrecting Authentic Catholicism "It's time for a generation to rise up and start being militant about the Faith again," Michael Voris said when asked about the reason for writing his first book.

Michael Voris was born in 1961, very near the beginning of the Second Vatican Council. The Council produced an air of enthusiasm and excitement that was quickly labeled the "Spirit of Vatican II." The problem was the "Spirit" bore little resemblance to the reality of the Council.

In the ensuing fifty years, using the "Spirit" as a cover, the Church has been dismantled and attacked by various clergy and religious aching for change. As a result, the Faith has been devastated on all fronts. This devastation is not owing to the culture, as many like to think. Rather, the culture has sunk to the level it has because Church leaders have not done their job.

In Militant: Resurrecting Authentic Catholicism, Voris explains, "This has had devastating effects on the Church, and it was this Church that I and tens of millions of other Catholics grew up in — a Church afraid to preach the Faith and concentrate on salvation as commanded by Jesus Christ."

So few Catholics understand that there even is a crisis, much less stop to take stock of its impact. "Nothing like the current crisis has ever been seen in the Church before," Voris stressed.

"I wrote this book after having done apostolate for almost ten years and watching the demolition of the Faith. It's clear that the clergy are not in a strong position to tackle this, and the laity must step forward, and step forward now."

Voris added, "Souls are being lost, despite all the happy talk engaged in by 'Church of Nice' types about everyone going to Heaven."

"The point of this book is to try to frame the disastrous state of affairs in such a way that people can get their minds around it, understand it, and, armed with the information, begin to approach family and friends who have lost their way and help bring them back to the One True Faith."

Militant: Resurrecting Authentic Catholicism will be released in November.

Pre-order your book here. The first 200 copies will be signed by Michael Voris.


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