Catholic Chris Christie Gorging Himself On M&M's And A Bucket Of Popcorn At NCAA Tournament On GOOD FRIDAY!!!!

25 March 2016 for Roman Catholics not paying attention was GOOD FRIDAY 

Catholics must fast on that day.

Chris Christie and all the Catholics who support this fool fail to notice that Christe was gorging himself on sweets on GOOD FRIDAY! Not only that, but in PUBLIC ON GOOD FRIDAY At the NCAA Tournament.

Here is a video of the moron gorging himself on the day Jesus Christ was Crucified:

This is the same fat slob who slimmed down not by fasting, sack cloth and ashes but by lap band surgery!

Please this moron is not fit to rule over a nation not even fit to rule over a city.

You wanna know why this country is about to feel the vengeance of God? It's because of fat slobs like Christie.


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