Outsourcing The US Supreme Court To India? Padmanabhan Srikanth Srinivasan To Be Picked As Next Supreme Court Justice?

Simple Definition of outsource:  to send away (some of a company's work) to be done by people outside the company
Shit...might as well....everything else is outsourced!

Within hours of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death on Saturday, Sri Srinivasan's name began to circulate as a possible replacement. Srinivasan, 48, has been named as a top choice since 2013 when he was sworn in to the D.C. Circuit, which is seen as a breeding ground for future nominees. Given that Scalia's death leaves the Supreme Court split with four Democratic and Republican justices each, his replacement will serve as a tie-breaker in upcoming cases on abortion, affirmative action, and immigration.  Daily Mail Read More>>>>>


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