"IT IS THE WILL OF ALLAH" Captain Iriyanto's Father Suwarto Claims That It Is The Will Of Allah That AirAsia QZ8501 Went Down!

Allah is not God.

The Blessed Trinity is GOD.

Because most of you do not know your faith properly here is a refresher from the Penny Catechism on the Blessed Trinity:

6. What is the greatest truth we learn about God?
The greatest truth we learn about God is the Blessed Trinity.

+7. What is the Blessed Trinity?
The Blessed Trinity is one God in three Divine Persons.

+8. What are the names of the three Divine Persons in the Blessed Trinity?
The names of the three Divine Persons in the Blessed Trinity are:
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.

9. How do we know that there is a God?
Our own heart tells us that there is a God.

10. Who tells us all we ought to know about God?
The Catholic Church tells us all we ought to know about God.

Any time a Muslim utters Allah he is not speaking of the GOD of the Roman Catholics he is speaking of the Devil or Satan.

Now the question is whether or not the pilot is a Muslim.The Media refuses to answer the question.

But the Media is also very stupid.

To placate the masses that Muslims are not to blame for the downing of another plane the BBC did an interview with the father of Captain Iriyanto. See here AirAsia QZ8501: Indonesia plane 'at bottom of sea'

 Here is what the father had to say:
“I want my son to come back alive and well, but if that’s not meant to be, if God doesn’t want that, it’s in the hands of fate. My son, he’s not alone on the plane. If this is God’s will, so be it,”
 Again the English translation is God.

The father said ALLAH. and he said ALLAH twice.

Why does the BBC not use ALLAH? Why does the BBC and the rest of the Media translate the word for the Muslim god - ALLAH - into GOD?

Further proof that we are dealing with another Muslim pilot who downed another plane killing innocent souls.


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