Mark Shea Goes Off The Rails Claims That Muslim Terrorists Locked Up At Abu Ghraib, CIA Blacksites, And Guantanamo Bay Are All Innocent And Deserving Of Adoration Of Jesus Christ Crucified!!

Mark Shea's Muslim Friends Crucify A Man Accused Of Working For The CIA
"When Christians turn a blind eye to torture, or justify it based on our political beliefs or fears; we become the crowd on the morning of Good Friday screaming, “Crucify him!  Crucify him!" Maxime Villeneuve
Understand that the above horrific video is of  man crucified by Muslims in Yemen. This poor soul was accused by Muslims of working for the CIA. As you can see the Muslims are the ones crucifying innocents, not the CIA, not the guards at Abu Ghraib, not the guards at Guantanamo Bay.  Mark Shea is a shill for Muslim terrorists.

Truly sick - not Mark Shea, he is already far gone - no, you, who give this demonic convert a voice. Here is the latest from crazy hell town:

on the embarrassing spectacle of worshippers of a tortured and crucified savior making excuses for torture. Mark Shea

So those Roman Catholics who meditate upon Jesus Christ Crucified and call Islam an enemy to God and civilization are accused of being worshippers of torturing Muslim terrorists unless they renounce "torture" of Muslim terrorists to Mr. Mark Shea?

Mark Shea links to an article that claims that the Muslim terrorists locked up in Abu Ghraib, CIA blacksites, and Guantanamo Bay are innocent men and women we have tortured?

Here is a little more of the demonic reasoning:
Christians cannot sit by and accept the existence of torture in society, especially as it exists in our political institutions and how it is propagandized by the mainstream media.  In fighting to end torture by refusing to vote for politicians to support torture, we must look to the sufferings of Jesus on the road to Calvary.  We must ask our politicians, “Jesus was tortured to death, how can you call yourself pro-life if you support and advocate the tactics that killed our Lord?  How can you speak of the dignity of the preborn if you will not defend the dignity of even those we fear?  Was not Jesus feared and reviled by the people and political establishment of his day?”

I encourage my readers to pray the Stations of the Cross and see Jesus as the Tortured Christ.  As you meditate on the stations, think of the innocent men and women we have tortured at Abu Ghraib, CIA blacksites, and Guantanamo Bay.  See Jesus in those who were humiliated, mocked, beaten, and mutilated.  Pray for the victims of torture, the conversion of its’ defenders and perpetrators, and for the resolve to stop torture in all its forms in our society today. Life Matters Journal More>>>>>
So if you meditate on Jesus Christ Crucified on Fridays or every day or just during lent - you'd better be against the CIA and call Muslim terrorists innocent or you're no Christian at all!

Call this a heads up, Mark Shea is more of a friend to Islam and Muslim terrorists than he is to Roman Catholic Traditionalists.

I guess this teaching from St Paul does not apply to Mark Shea and his ilk:
Therefore, whilst we have time, let us work good to all men, but especially to those who are of the household of the faith.
But this warning applies to those who attend the Latin Mass:
And a man' s enemies shall be they of his own household.
Mark Shea is an enemy to God and those of us who attend the Latin Mass. If any Roman Catholic Traditionalist who is a SSPX Latin Mass attendee is ever kidnapped and tortured and crucified by Muslims - Mr. Mark Shea would never condemn the crime - Shea might even give thumbs up to the innocent Muslims and declare that the SSPX Latin Mass attendee was working for the CIA anyway!

Demonic Infiltration Of The Roman Catholic Church Read More>>>>

'See how I rend myself, see how mangled is Mohammed!'
Inferno xxviii


  1. I recommend these for your consideration:

    Circulate these to as many Catholics as you can. Shea is a moral idiot who must be stopped.


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