"It Will Rain With A Fearful Hail Of Animals" Apocalyptic Storm Of Dust, Bugs & Birds Over Texas!

MASTER Bertram
St Peter (Grabow) Altarpiece: Creation of the Animals
It will rain with a fearful hail of animals. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

fright•ful  [frahyt-fuhl]
1. such as to cause fright; dreadful, terrible, or alarming: A frightful howl woke us.
2. horrible, shocking, or revolting: The storm did frightful damage.
3. Informal . unpleasant; disagreeable: We had a frightful time.
4. Informal . very great; extreme: That actor is very talented but a frightful ham.

adjective \ˈfir-fəl\
Definition of FEARFUL
1 : causing or likely to cause fear, fright, or alarm especially because of dangerous quality
2 a : full of fear
b : indicating or arising from fear
c: inclined to fear : timorous
3 : very great or bad —used as an intensive

Frightful or fearful - take your pick  - this is the most unbelievable part of the secret of La Salette as if anything Our Lady says can be unbelievable - I guess what I mean is that the majority of men would dismiss the words of Our Lady just based on this one sentence:
“There Will Be Frightful Showers Of Animals” Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 
You should believe the veracity of Melanie and the words of Our Lady at La Salette. Many call Melanie crazy - most who do are the ones who are crazy. At this point it really doesn't matter what most think of the words of Our Lady at La Salette or what the majority of men think about a woman who always slept on the floor all her life - most of you modern day godless nitwits sleep in very hi-tech beds that keep or remember your body form as you sleep so as to adjust the bed to fit it your form - just ask any worldling "what's your sleep number?" chances are you will get a response. Truly sick (I mean sick as it should mean not the new definition meaning cool or what have you)

So Melanie sleeps on the floor and you Mr. bad ass stockpiler of assault weapons sleep in a very, very comfortable bed. Look at the times and tell me that you deserve to sleep in a sleep number bed! You wuss!

Back to the animals that are to fall from the sky - you didn't expect that one did you?

Well lookie here:

Not Rain!

"It looked like it was raining, but it wasn't" Jennifer Dunn, Meteorologist

"We thought something was wrong with the radar, but we checked our instruments and measurements. Everything was working fine," Jennifer Dunn

Crazy Texas evangelicals got tingly all over and started posting on Face Book that it is a sign of the Second Coming! Why any Catholic man desires to be anywhere near these crazy evangelical nuts is beyond me.

If you see apocalyptic events like this, look to the words of Our Lady - please do not entertain the nonsense found in evangelical circles. The crazy prots are from hell and are spreading falsehoods about the end times etc. So please separate yourself from them as much as possible, completely if you have the ability!

Did any of the bugs or birds actually hit the ground as rain does?

No. But this does not take away from the above words of Our Lady. Call this latest event another warm up, another warning of what's in store for the lot of you!

Remember you got over 35 years of punishments, torments & chastisements coming from the loving right hand of God and God is pissed - so very pissed in fact that what's to come ends with a very bad end for all of us!

Yet you know what your sleep number is!!!

Daily Mail Read More>>>>>>>>>

The Key Word Is Frightful : “There Will Be Frightful Showers Of Animals” Our Lady Of La Salette   Read More>>>>>> 

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Melanie


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