Where Was Anders Behring Breivik On Tuesday, April 19 2011? Muslim Boko Haram Terrorists Kill 575 Christians In Kaduna, Nigeria

Kaduna, Nigeria 575 Dead Christians
Killed By The Muslim Terrorist Organization Boko Haram

Oslo's Police prosecutor Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby said that he had to wait for over a week to obtain vital information on Anders Behring Breivik emails and phone records for the period of April 14-22 2011. Vital?

Why are these days in April 2011 vital to the police investigation of criminal activities of the Norway monster ABB?

Are the dates specific to the lone activities of ABB in acquiring material for bomb making? Or are these dates important because ABB was in contact with persons of interest in the Norway massacre -maybe ABB was in contact with anti-Islamists bloggers on these dates?

Or are these dates vital because ABB received his training during this period? 

On an International level the date that stands out the most is Tuesday, April 19, 2011 when the Islamic terrorists group Boko Haram went on a killing rampage in Kaduna, Nigeria killing 575 Christians. Burning many alive.

Did ABB play a part in this terrorist activity?

Not to far fetch knowing that ABB claims to have attended a non-existent Martyrs Mass at the protestant Frogner Church in Oslo on the day of the Norway massacre - 22nd July 2011.

You see the Frogner Church claims to have some sort of missionary outreach to the Muslim Fulani Tribe of Africa. Many of the Muslim Fulani Tribe belong to the Boko Haram terrorist group. If it is true that ABB has a connection to the Frogner Church in Oslo then it is possible that he also has connections to someone in the Muslim Fulani Tribe and if ABB has connections to Muslim Fulani Tribe then it stands to reason that ABB has connections to the Boko Haram terrorist group of Nigeria.

If this is the case then it would explain the reason why Oslo's Police prosecutor Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby considered the period of April 14-22 2011 as vital to the investigation of ABB emails and telephone records. ABB had to get training from someone in the use of weapons and bomb making. Who was this someone? Muslims no doubt.

Frogner Church Oslo Norway
'I will probably arrange that just before or after I attend my final martyr's mass in Frogner Church. It will contribute to ease my mind as I imagine I will get tense and very nervous. It is easier to face death if you know you are biologically, mentally and spiritually at ease.’ Anders Behring Breivik


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