Great Prodigies: Glowing Cloud In The Skies Over Russia

"There will be extraordinary wonders in every place because the true faith has been extinguished and false light illumines the world. Woe to the princes of the church who will be occupied only with piling up riches upon riches, with guarding their authority and lording with pride!" Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

We must consider that when some great change is being wrought, as the introduction of a new polity, God is accustomed to work miracles, giving pledges of His power to those who are to receive His laws. Thus when he would make man, he first created a world, and then at length gave man in paradise a law. When he would dispense a law to the holy Noah, he showed truly great wonders; and again when he was about to ordain the Law for the Jews, he first showed great prodigies, and then at length gave them the commandments. So now when about to introduce a sublime discipline of life, He first provided a sanction to His instructions by mighty signs, because the eternal kingdom He preached was not seen, by the things which did appear, he made sure that which as yet did not appear. St. John Chrysostom

The beginning of something very very bad indeed? More likely some great change is under way. As St. John Chrysostom has said anytime the Blessed Trinity introduces a new polity - a new change for men, God is accustomed to work miracles. So to call this unusual cloud formation over Russia some kind of evil portent or evil omen is off the mark. More likely this is a good sign from the Blessed Trinity that the old and worn out man-made forms of Government - Modern Democracy is about to be abolished by the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. Many more good signs as this should appear to make men wonder what they mean. Now of course for you demented lovers of man-made Modern Democracy this would be the beginning of something very very bad indeed - the beginning of the end of Modern Democracy and the rise of - or the first beginnings of the restoration of the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. So quake in your boots you lovers of Modern Democracy 'cause you haven't a clue what is coming your way. As for those who love what God creates, we will pay attention to the many Great Prodigies to come. Only this blog can rightly discern the difference between the bad omens or evil portents against the Great Prodigies.

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  1. It is true that this blog is the true and righteous interpreter of signs and portents. I await the day when the veil of stupidity shall be lifted from the eyes of the sodomites, Mohammedizers and misguided Protestant swine.


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