Atheist Pat Condell Wants More Democracy To Save Europe

'Do you know the enemy?' - Green Day

The solution for all the world's ills is to call for more democracy, more democracy, more democracy and even more democracy, this is today's mantra amongst Jews, Christians, Muslims and Atheists alike. Today, everyone wants more democracy from the Pope on down. More democracy will solve everything.

So let me get this straight, the bad men who were voted into power by the ballot box and wrecked everything will somehow do a better job in restoring everything if more votes are cast?  Change the face and name of the politician and vote again, and again, and again, and everything will be better?  Didn't the ballot box lead us into the mess we are in, in the first place?  So the instrument that lead us into the mess we are in, will somehow lead us out of the mess we are in, if only we use the instrument more. Use it more and things will be better- nice philosophy. Recent history tells us that if men can not properly use the ballot box to chose good men to govern over us, what makes you think that voters will get it right in the future?


Here is a video from an apostate Roman Catholic who turned his back on God and claims he no longer believes in God but he sure in the hell believes in modern democracy.  Modern democracy is going to solve all the worlds ills according to this beam of sunshine. What an idiot!

Condell wants "a real revolution of public will and intent to restore the power of the ballot box to the people from whom it has been stolen" Stolen? really? how stupid of Condell to think such a thing. Everyone is free to cast a ballot in the world of modern democracy.

Condell assures the world that "there is nothing wrong with Europe today that couldn't be cured by more democracy" Only a godless atheist would believe such a thing!


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