Sarah Palin Is An Apostate Roman Catholic So Why Vote For Her?

Sarah Heath Miss Wasilla 1984

Sarah Heath was "rebaptised" at age 12 in the Wasilla Assembly of God Church, her family left Roman Catholicism when she was about 10. Sarah has been speaking in tongues along with members of the congregation for about thirty years now. No turning back now. So why would any of you Roman Catholics even think for a moment of casting your vote for this "adult"? What? No need for a politician to be Roman Catholic? Well maybe she should get a pass, after all she is a woman, and women are usually stupid when it comes to the Roman Catholic Faith? Right? Yeah, women don't know any better, so its O.K. for Palin to remain outside the Roman Catholic Faith while she governs the rest of us as President or vice President of these United States. Ahhh...Modern Democracy.... gotta love it...
"While I'm not a huge fan of Palin, if she does indeed run against Obama -- and assuming she has a reasonable chance to beat him -- I would vote for her. The Obama regime is dangerous." ~ Matt C. Abbott Saturday Oct 23, 2010 4:57 pm
I wonder who will be the first Roman Catholic writer of merit to declare it a mortal sin to not cast a vote for Sarah Palin?


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