Atheist Mitchell Heisman Kills Self Leaves 1904 Page Suicide Note Extolling The Atheist World View

Atheist Mitchell Heisman

"My objective is to kill myself....I am killing every belief and breaking down every value that upholds my very life until what is left is nothing. An experiment in nihilism, I am destroying all values that uphold life until I am left with nowhere to stand." Atheist Mitchell Heisman

"Now, before I blow my brains out, I should like to point out that the most basic issue at the very center of this work is not biology, race, or technology; it is nihilism. Ultimately, this is an experiment in nihilism. Every word, every thought, and every emotion come back to one core problem: life is meaningless. The experiment in nihilism is to seek out and expose every illusion and every myth, wherever it may lead, no matter what, even if it kills us." Atheist Mitchell Heisman

"Why am I doing this? Ah, yes, now I remember the punchline: I’ll try anything once! There is nothing to take seriously!" Atheist Mitchell Heisman

From the Roman Catholic penny catechism Children are taught from this catechism to help them prepare for their first communion, twelve simple points that are more profound than what is found in 1904 pages of nihilism crap.

Faith in God

1. Who made you?
God made me.

2. Why did God make you?
God made me to know him, love him and serve him in this world, and to be happy with him for ever in the next.

3. To whose image and likeness did God make you?
God made me to his own image and likeness.

4. Is this likeness to God in your body, or in your soul?
This likeness to God is chiefly in my soul.

5. How is your soul like to God?
My soul is like to God because it is a spirit, and is immortal.

6. What do you mean when you say that your soul is immortal?
When I say my soul is immortal, I mean that my soul can never die.

7. Of which must you take more care, of your body or of your soul?
I must take more care of my soul; for Christ has said, 'What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and suffers the loss of his own soul?' (Matt. 16:26)

8. What must you do to save your soul?
To save my soul I must worship God by Faith, Hope and Charity; that is, I must believe in him, I must hope in him, and I must love him with my whole heart.

9. What is faith?
Faith is a supernatural gift of God, which enables us to believe without doubting whatever God has revealed.

10. Why must you believe whatever God has revealed?
I must believe whatever God has revealed because God is the very truth, and can neither deceive nor be deceived.

11. How are you to know what God has revealed?
I am to know what God has revealed by the testimony, teaching, and authority of the Catholic Church.

12. Who gave the Catholic Church divine authority to teach?
Jesus Christ gave the Catholic Church divine authority to teach, when he said, 'Go therefore, make disciples of all the nations'. (Matt. 28:19)

Hey PZ Myers (the father of all american atheists who kill themselves) you best read the suicide note written by one of your "sons".


  1. What a smug sentiment you have implied here, if I'm not mistaken. You have no thoughts on the subject worth writing save the title, but you sure seem happy that an "Atheist" killed himself. Christ has no use for such judgmental, self-righteous sentiment. I pray for your soul and Mitch's.

  2. Well the suicide note is 1904 pages long. . I will have plenty to comment on later, more so than PZ Myers has done. Please read what Mitchell Heisman wrote about the Blessed Virgin Mary & then get back to me. Praying for his soul? tells me you must be a Catholic? A very mixed up one at that. You pray for me ok? You really dont know who I am...ha ha ha

  3. I have not read the 1904 page suicide note, so can only guess what was said about the BVM. I don't intend to use precious time reading it or on prayers for him, but surely it must make Our dear Lord sad that His Blood was shed in vain. How many more?

  4. I know exactly who you really are and where you really are. I also know who truly inspires you and motivates you, but I doubt that you do. I've read your little rantings all over the web as the insignificant little farts that they are. You silly deluded fool. You can make your own throne and sit on it but it doesn't make you important. So filled with self-hate masked as superiority. Play games on the web all you want. You aren't so different from the Mitchells of the world, but you are less significant and you are my new pet. I will be watching.

  5. Pay attention! I will be in front of the Blessed Sacrament. bye bye....

  6. You did not know Mitchell, you did not know about the loss in his life that put him on the course that eventually ended his life. You do not know about his suffering and love or anything about him. He was not an Atheist he was not anything that you think he was but your lack of trying to figure out who he was shows what you really are - an ignorant hate mongering swine.

  7. 1904 pages and we still dont know who Mitchell is? Would 9000 pages do a better job of knowing the mind of a demented atheist? Did you read what the Atheist Mitchell said about the Bless Virgin Mary? Do you even care? No! Mitchell was a vile man who took his own life because he did not believe in God. Mitchell like all atheists was his own god. Mitchell took his own words to heart and took his own life because he believed in nothing. According to Mitchell his life was a wasted life his life meant nothing, his life was deviod of what you call love. Some friend of Mitchell you must of been. Jerk!

  8. Michael... you sad man.. casting stones... It's not to late to heed the Warning, Micheal.. Illinois is not so far away..

  9. you would look better with bangs!

  10. You are so ignorant; did you even read any of this suicide note at all save 2 or 3 paraphrases and the title taken out of context? Your perspective would be completely different if this guy was a Christian - and, actually, he was religious; he was a jew. You can't brush aside his entire text with the basic format of crap you use to brainwash kids. Callous hypocrite.

  11. i thought west people are brave like aerogan are like soron

  12. dxv515 - your ignorance is stunning - your rants about his lack of religion prove you read little to NONE of his note. It was his lack of understanding of how life worked and how one survives the disappointments and tragedies in life. And how as a self proclaimed christian can you say such hurtful things and cause so much pain for others - you are a phony - a hate monger and have nothing in you that remotely resembles Christianity or any of the teachings of Christ.

  13. Why are you so amused by the death of this man?

  14. Mitchell Heisman was a true hate monger! He hated himself so much he blew his brains on steps of a church. Maybe with this "religious" act of blowing ones brains out on the steps of a church the world will see a new "religious" movement of those who follow in the footsteps of their leader and blow their brains out on the steps of a church. Who wants to be the first to follow in Heisman's footsteps? Any takers? Still tell me what any of you think of what Heisman wrote about the Blessed Virgin Mary? Be careful

  15. Atheism does not equal nihilism.

  16. lol you're such an Atheist ha ha ha....

  17. I am so glad that Mitchell is dead, because God smote him! He was pure evil, like all atheists! He deserved everything he did to himself. I am so glad that God made him kill himself! And the things he said on the Blessed Virgin Mary! Anyone should die for saying those things! God bless dvx515 for all that he says about Mitchell Heisman. He is purveying a truth stronger than any of us can attest. I will follow him into anything he says, because I believe he knows the truth about God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. I will blow myself up for him. I will fly planes into buildings for him. What he has said is very true. Mitchell Heisman has died at his own hand as an example to everyone that atheism is wrong and blaspheming the Holy Virgin Mary is wrong. We can only hope that all infidels kill themselves like Mitchell has. And if not, we should kill them ourselves!

  18. Mitchell Heisman has a free will God didnt make him do anything. Of his own volition Mitchell killed himself.

  19. A little compassion goes a long way...

  20. Ok what is your interpretation of what he said about the Blessed Virgin?

    I am interested in you point of view.

  21. Ordinary people seem not to realize that those
    who really apply themselves IN THE RIGHT WAY to
    philosophy are directly and of their own accord
    preparing themselves for dying and death. If this
    is true, and they have actually been looking
    forward to death all their lives, it would of course
    be absurd to be troubled when the thing comes
    for which they have so long been preparing and
    looking forward.

  22. Ok, Stop. All of you.
    dxv515, you seem to revel in the fact that a man just took his own life. Why should it matter what he believes?
    Jesus taught us to love our enemies.
    To not hate those that need your love the most.
    Not to mention he wasn't an atheist, this man was the foremost prophet of Nihilism, a philosophy that holds life is meaningless. Atheism at least seeks to disprove God's existence, while the nihilist just doesn't care.
    It is disappointing to see a fellow Roman Catholic paint us all in such a bad light. Would Jesus ever be happy upon learning that a man took his own life? No. Did Jesus hate Judas? No.
    Why must you hate Mitchell Heisman?
    -Father Simon

  23. To the 24 feb. post: ah, O.K., then what? God is Perfect, God is Perfect Peace. Your little comment cannot touch God, cannot harm God, cannot disrupt His Peace. So whats your point? Is that some sort of arguement of yours to prove that there is no God? It is not very convincing, maybe you should kick a cat too?

  24. Hey Father Simon? If you really are a Roman Catholic Priest, nowadays its kinda hard to tell, so i will take you at your word that you are a RC Priest, now listen here you twit, if you think for a moment that somehow by defending the Atheist scum who posted here and defending the writtings of that demented jerk who blew his brains out, that you are doing your job, your not. Do I need to tell you how you are to behave? What you are to defend? You are a complete jerk. Did you not read the comments here attacking God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, & the Holy Roman Catholic Faith? Do you even care? Men like you are a disgrace, you have failed your vocation, you are scum. May the Blessed Trinity judge you right quick, unless of course you may have already left this life, in that case, see you at the last Judgement.

  25. From this article and the comments about it, I can only conclude that you all have obviously read Suicide Note and fully comprehend exactly what it is Mitchell was trying to say.

  26. Rev. Peter J. Gomes, a Homo Harvard minister, died on Monday in Boston. He was 68.

    Question for you Atheistic Harvardites, is Fr. Simon a real person? Or is Simon some sort of pseudonym. And will Simon show up here on this blog ever again?

  27. wow the personality that comes through this site is really one of a knot-tied hatred

    Somehow I thought love was important for Christians . . .
    but it looks to me that the apparatus of this 'mighty empire' uses words without significance. Based on sites like this, in contexts like this it seems the word 'God' is empty except for some vague blend of retribution, vilification, erotic-hatred and power

  28. To Anonymous March 4
    If you paid close attention to this site you will find it affirms the Roman Catholic Faith. You will also notice that I have comtempt for the scum who attack what I affirm. Is there anything wrong with defending what is True? Mitchell Heisman blew his brains out all over the steps of a protestant church. The personality that comes through Mitchell's 1904 page suicide note is really one of a knot-tied hatred, do you agree? Afterall he hated life so much he removed himself from it. So yes I have nothing but comtempt for those who attack what is True and good in this world. The Holy Roman Catholic Faith is True, is Good, is from God, and does not deserved to be attacked by scum like Mitchell or you. So please if you have a problem with this site, then please go elsewhere. If you want to convert to the Holy Roman Catholic Faith then please by all means use one of the many novenas posted on this site for your conversion.

  29. I'm sorry dxv515, but there is a difference between defending your beliefs and hating people. You have been constantly reminded on this page that Christ would not approve of your hatred. You are using your faith to promote hatred. Now, I'm not usually one to comment in these things, but I was so appalled by your hatred that I felt the need to say something, though I know you'll never seriously consider my comment. Pity Mitchell because he was confused. Don't hate him for it.

  30. To Anonymous March 7:

    I hate what God hates: I Love what God loves. - St. Joan of Arc

    Mitchell is not confused, he is dead.

    But since you take the position that what Mitchell wrote in his 1904 page missive is confused thought, then please tell me why would the majority of those posting here defend the confused thoughts and confused words of Mitchell? Why would anyone create a Facebook page honoring Mitchell's confused thought? Should anyone really defend the thoughts of a confused person? If you clearly see that what Mitchell wrote is confused thought, then why don't the majority of those here, and on the facebook page think the same as you do? Are you in favor of speading Mitchell's confused thought to others, as do his fans on Facebook? Or are you against the idea of spreading Mitchell's confused thoughts on Facebook? Isn't the world already a confusing place for most, without the need for spreading more confusion? So if you really beleive that what Mitchell wrote is confusing, then you must agree that Mitchell's confused writings have no place in society? If you disagree, then it is you who are confused - should I pity you?

  31. I found this page by chance.

    I am not a believer in the supernatural. I think this life is the only one I get and I'm fine with that. I have no desire to end it prematurely.

    I've glanced at the young man's note who took his own life. I haven't read nearly enough to understand what he was thinking. I don't really plan to.

    I read a few comments on this site as well as this page's text. Some of you people should reconsider what you're saying.

    One young man without theistic views took his own life. You can't rationally judge every atheist by this man's actions. I love life. I love to experience things and live. Regardless of how we got here, here we are! Might as well enjoy the ride.

    I don't think life has an objective meaning. I think we get to create out own.

    I'd be happy to discuss these topics with any open minded person.

    My email address is

  32. Such anger and hatred from a group supposed to be proponents of love. Let’s be clear on something, atheism is NOT a religion it is a denial of faith. Faith is blind belief in made up answers to questions we as a race should continue to strive to answer. As an “atheist” I see all religions equally all created in the same way - by man. Since the first sentient being carved his first deity on a cave wall through the countless polytheists in Egypt, Greece, through Hinduism, Buddhism (though not a religion), Islam, Judaism, Christianity to Scientology and countless others, these are all the same - made up. How can you choose one over the other? As an atheist I do not see myself as a god, as someone said on this page, I see myself as what I am, a man whose purpose is to do nothing more than to play my part in the miraculous journey of evolution which is far more amazing and beautiful than anything written down in any religious text. I am truly happy and like you said Brett I am “enjoying the ride!” Peter

  33. dxv515 do not be proud for your capacity for hatred. nothing comes from intolerance. if you hate me for my criticism of your fate and i hate you for your criticism of my fate, the world just ends up hating itself.
    everyone has their right to an opinion, to a belief. if you don't agree with it, well thats your right too.
    but what is important isn't that you agree with everyone, but that you simply respect belief as long as if does no harm to you or anyone else.

    and you may say mitchell heisman's statements harm your sentiments in your beliefs. but your words probably do the same to his loved ones. hate breeds hate.

    i dont blame you for being upset over the words he used and the context in which he used them in. nor am i telling you how you should behave. but i am saying that this way you choose to vent, this way you choose to believe goes against not only every religion, but every way of life, every biological motive, hate goes against religion and fate and even evolution.

    people will be more willing to listen to you and understand what you are trying to say if you remove the hatred you surround your self with and behave, still true to yourself, and at the same time tolerant.

    dont hurt people the way you wouldn't like to be hurt by them.

    ps. i know you will come back with an impossible rant, but i really hope you somewhere understand what i'm trying to say.

  34. dxv515, you are no better than the 'atheist scum' whom you hate so passionately. I'd go so far as to say that you sound like a worse christian than most of the people on here. Remember;

    "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8)

    Any christian who holds themselves in higher regard than anyone, who does not seek to make themselves as humble as possible- and finds such joy in the death of someone whose soul is not secure, is in a dangerous and dillusional place.

    Not to mention being an awful ambassador for Jesus.

  35. Josh you're a moron. "awful ambassador for Jesus"??? You have not read a single word from the dead man mitchell. Again the dead man mitchell took his own life because he was his own god, he ended the life that God gave him. The dead man mitchell is your ideal of humilty, and that is what makes you a jerk. Maybe Rev. Peter J. Gomes aka Father Simon can come back from the dead to shed a little more light on what place is reserved for men who blow their brains out.

  36. Dxv515
    Don't worry.
    Everyone, don't agitate him!
    He can hate who he likes, for his sake!
    If his preservation of god, religion or whatever makes him denounce god's
    creation-well, so be it.He is just trying to live through turmoil, like the rest of us.
    Mitchell heisman would not care if he were alive, so why
    should we?Give Dvx515 peace.


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