I Can Take The Trouble Cos I'm 60 Feet Tall ~ A Simple Protest Against The New World Order

‘No nation, no kingdom, which once subjected itself to the Roman Empire can rebel against its obedience or draw back from subjection to it without offence to God.’ Juan de Torquemada Work In Honour Of The Roman Empire And The Roman Lords

A simple protest against the New World Order for those who have a flag pole: 'Please don't forget to fly the flag of the Holy Roman Empire ABOVE the flag of your particular country. If the neighbors complain, reassure them of prayers for their conversion to the One, True Faith outside of which there is no salvation.' This good idea was suggested by Ask StPhilomena on Angelqueen .org

See the thread First Traditional Catholic Country!!!

I Can Take The Trouble Cos I'm 60 Feet Tall ~ The Dead Weather


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