Earth To Have Near-Miss Tonight From Mystery Object Janurary 13, 2009 & All Spacecraft Will One Day Return to Earth ~ St. Thomas Aquinas

All renewal is effected by some kind of cleansing. But the elements will be renewed; hence it is written (Apoc. 21:1): "I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth was gone." Therefore the elements shall be cleansed. Further, a gloss [*St. Augustine, De Civ. Dei xx, 16] on 1 Cor. 7:31, "The fashion of this earth passeth away," says: "The beauty of this world will perish in the burning of worldly flames." Therefore the same conclusion follows.~St. Thomas Aquinas

According to St. Thomas Aquinas’ view of the fire of the final conflagration, all of the works of men will be cleansed by the fire of the final conflagration and this fire of the final conflagration will not exceed the bounds which were cleansed by waters of the deluge (only 15 cubits above the mountain tops). Modern spacecraft is the work of men so it stands to reason that these man made works will be destroyed by the fire of the final conflagration, no exceptions will be made for the works of modern men. In order for all man made spacecrafts, including the fragments, the remnants and the tiniest of debris of spacecraft to be destroyed by the fire of the final conflagration , these man made items must return to the place of their origin. Sound farfetched? Here is recent news of a mystery object that is to pass by Earth today Wednesday January 13, 2010

From Huliq News Earth To Have Near-Miss Tonight From Mystery Object

From the article:

“2010 AL30 has been thought to possibly be man-made because of its orbital period, which is almost exactly one year. After all, there is a lot of junk out that that we have deposited and left” All of which must be destroyed by the fire of the final conflagration according to the reasoning of St Thomas Aquinas. So all of this space junk will one day return to the place of origin. NASA minds are no match for the reasoning of St Thomas Aquinas.Now it stands to reason that if what St. Thomas Aquinas states is true: that fire of the final conflagration will not exceed the bounds which were cleansed by waters of the deluge (only 15 cubits above the mountain tops) and all of the sinful works of men are to be destroyed in this final conflagration, then all of the works of men will one day occupy or reach a height no greater than the 15 cubits above the mountain tops, which was boundary of the waters of the deluge. What follows then is that all modern day works that had left the orbit of the earth such as the Twin Voyager Spacecrafts will return to the place in which they were created, which will be below the boundary set by the waters of the deluge and that is 15 cubits above the mountain tops. Again the Twin Voyager Spacecrafts along with all other space junk will one day return to the earth.

To track the return of space junk to the earth's orbit NASA


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