Saint Pantaleon Roman Martyr And Faithful Subject Of The Roman Empire

Saint Pantaleon

[See the Collections of F. Bosch the Bollandist, t. vi. Julij, p. 397.]

ST. PANTALEON was physician to the Emperor Galenius Maximianus, and a Christian, but, deceived by often hearing the false maxims of the world applauded, was unhappily seduced into an apostasy. But a zealous Christian called Hermolaus awakened his conscience to a sense of his guilt, and brought him again into the fold of the Church The penitent ardently wished to expiate his crime by martyrdom; and to prepare himself for the conflict, when Diocletian's bloody persecution broke out at Nicornedia, in 303, he distributed all his possessions among the poor. Not long after this action, he was taken up, and in his house were also apprehended Hermolaus, Hermippus, and Hermocrates. After suffering many torments, they were all condemned to lose their heads. St. Pantaleon suffered the day after the rest. His relics were translated to Constantinople, and there kept with great honor. The greatest part of them are now shown in the abbey of St. Denys near Paris, but his head is at Lyons.

Few examples from the life of St. Pantaleon contrasting his life side by side to the present day life styles and world view of Roman Catholic Traditionalists who so claim devotion to the Roman Martyrs:

St. Pantaleon was physician to the Emperor Galenius Maximianus, he had the opportunity to kill the tyrannical Emperor. He never did. He was a faithful subject to the Roman Emperor. He never espoused the overthrow of Roman Imperial Authority nor did he encourage others to do so.

St. Pantaleon saw the coming persecution and he ardently wished to expiate his crime by martyrdom

St. Pantaleon to prepare himself for the conflict, when Diocletian's bloody persecution broke out at Nicornedia, in 303, he distributed all his possessions among the poor.

Now compare and contrast the life of St. Pantaleon with Roman Catholic Traditionalists:

Roman Catholic Traditionalist who believe they see the coming persecution instead take up arms & urge others to do the same: From AQ Gun discussion thread

'Yes, gun ownership is an issue with Catholics, even moreso now with the run on guns that began before Obama's election. As anyone who's been in the market will tell you, guns, gun parts and ammo is literally flying off the shelves. Getting a barrel from Bushmaster is a 2 month wait.'
Roman Catholic Traditionalists who see the coming impending economic chastisement hoard food etc. and encourage others to do the same: From AQ The Impending Economic Chastisement

'Concerning the economy, there are troubling storm clouds gathering. Records being broken and precedents being set, that when pondered after totaling the sum of their parts, indicate clearly, as the title of this article suggests, that economic chastisement will be a part of all of our lives in the near future. It seems no longer a question of whether or not such chastisement will occur; only how severe it will have been when all is said and done.'


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